KWADRON INX™ – Enriched Black
KC5M -
Eternal Ink
Meridian Red 30 ml
EIA017030 -
Eternal Ink
Runic Red 30 ml
EIA016030 -
Eternal Ink
Desolate Orange 30 ml
EIA015030 -
Eternal Ink
Abyss Indigo 30 ml
EIA018030 -
Eternal Ink
Ritual Maroon 30 ml
EIA014030 -
Eternal Ink
Sacrament Burgundy 30 ml
EIA013030 -
Eternal Ink
Mystique Red-Violet 30 ml
EIA012030 -
Eternal Ink
Effigy Green 30 ml
EIA011030 -
Eternal Ink
Amulet Gold 30 ml
EIA010030 -
Eternal Ink
Roswell Green 30 ml
EIA009030 -
Eternal Ink
Species Green 30 ml
EIA008030 -
Eternal Ink
Venerated Violet 30 ml
EIA006030 -
Eternal Ink
Atlantis Blue 30 ml
EIA005030 -
Eternal Ink
Sentient Orange 30 ml
EIA004030 -
Eternal Ink
Eminence Magenta 30 ml
EIA007030 -
Eternal Ink
Portal Blue 30 ml
EIA003030 -
Eternal Ink
Dystopia Magenta 30 ml
EIA001030 -
World Famous Ink
World Famous Ink Limitless Straight White 30 ml
WFI217030 -
World Famous Ink
World Famous Ink Limitless Dragon Set 30 ml – Tatuointimustesetti
Tilaa tatuointimusteet netistä
Wildcat.fi on myös tatuointimusteiden tukkuliike, josta löytyy haluamasi tatuointimuste ja kaikki tarvitsemasi tatuointitarvikkeet yhdestä verkkokaupasta. Värejä on saatavilla joka tarpeeseen ja edustettuna ovat kaikki parhaat tatuointibrändit. Suhtaudumme tuotteidemme turvallisuuteen äärimmäisellä vakavuudella ja myymämme tatuointimusteet noudattavat EU:n REACH-asetusta.
Tatuointivärit tulee valita käyttötarpeen mukaan. Tatuointitukkumme tarjoaa sinulle musteet tarkkuutta vaativiin yksityiskohtiin, kuin myös laajempien tatuointien värittämiseeen.
Jos etsit vaihtoehtoista tatuointimusteiden toimittajaa perinteisen Nordic tattoo supplies oy:n tai muiden, pidemmän aikaa Suomessa toimineiden yritysten sijaan, olet löytänyt uuden ja luotettavan kumppanisi!
Suosituimmat tatuointivärit – valitse itsellesi sopiva tatuointimuste
Valikoimastamme löydät mm. seuraavat mustebrändit:
World Famous Ink
“What does it take to be World Famous? Blood; It’s that simple. It’s in the DNA. It’s the relentless dedication, the drive to be the absolute best. We’re not here because we wanted to create another tattoo ink. We’re not here because we thought we could do it better. We’re here because we did.” (lainaus sivulta https://www.worldfamoustattooink.com/)
Viking Ink by Dynamic
“Dynamic Color Company has been owned and operated in the Good Ol’ USA for over 30 years. Tried and True.” (lainaus sivulta https://dynamiccolor.com/)
Perma Blend
“With over 50 years of experience in the tattoo industry, Perma Blend has proven passion for making premier products manufactured with the safest, cleanest, and highest quality ingredients for the benefit of our clients around the world. Perma Blend works every day to comply with the regulations of every country in which our products are sold.” (lainaus sivulta https://permablend.com/pages/luxe)
Kuro Sumi
“Originally formulated in Japan comes the formula and ingredients for a truly safe and amazing tattoo ink. Give your tattoos the ink they deserve. Now made in the USA! These formulas incorporate organic elements, are vegan friendly and animal-cruelty free! Kuro Sumi ink is made from the best stuff on Earth and will truly dazzle your customers with extraordinary results.” (lainaus sivulta https://kurosumi.com/)
“INTENZE takes our inks seriously. That is why we have performed extensive testing to make sure harmful ingredients NEVER make it into your skin. Take control over your craft and STOP putting harmful inks into your clients. Use INTENZE the only tattoo ink that tells you what isn’t in our inks!” (lainaus sivulta https://intenzetattooink.com/)
“The IAMINK® arose from the need to be able to act compliantly and flexibly with regard to the EU-wide tattooing products regulation (REACH) planned since 2021. Ok, actually it was a mental storm cloud. It slowly but surely darkened more and more in the face of the looming REACH. And the displeasure that the tattoo world has closed its eyes to the looming problem. After a full-blown tantrum in the winter of 2018, it thus came to the founding of IAMINK® in the spring of 2019. And with it a mission.” (lainaus sivulta https://ftwiamink.com//)
Tutustu tatuointimusteiden valikoimaamme, valitse kaikki tarvitsemasi värisävyt ja tilaa tatuointimusteet netistä!