Cheyenne Craft Cartridges Magmum Soft Edge 10 Stk

Tuotetunnus (SKU): CHEYCCMSE

14.50  sis. ALV

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The Cheyenne Hawk Craft Cartridges are the new affordable option with the same high-end-quality in a different cartridge module housing. The internal membrane will protect your machine and client by stopping any fluids moving up and down the tip. What sets the Cheyenne Craft Cartridges apart is the simplified design: The plastic tips are made from a single mould of medical grade plastic. They are designed to withstand the continuous movement of the needles, so they will not break up and release small bits of plastic into your client’s skin.
The Craft Cartridges have no removable tip like the Saftety Cartridges.

Key Features:
Needle Type: Magnum Soft Edge
Single mould casing
Medical grade plastic tips
Safety membrane
Content: 10 Pieces
Needlethickness: 0,35 mm – only 7.0 and 23.0 mm have a thickness of 0,30 mm



Neulan koko: 0,3, 0,35

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