Kaos Hydra Tunnel

Tuotetunnus (SKU): KHE

17.64  sis. ALV

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@sofiajosefiiina, @mini.malisti ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

Silikon Kaos HydraThe latest and greatest from Kaos Softwear! A hybrid which features the thickness of our Tunnels as well as a saddle shaped wearable surface much like our Skin Eyelets. But wait, there’s more! We just went ahead and combined all of that goodness with this super comfortable tear drop shape leaving you speechless with “The Hydra”.Not only do they look great on their own, but they have been designed to be able to keep shape while wearing all of your favorite weights and hanging designs, evenly distributing the weight which will allow for that comfort that you have come to know and love from us here at Kaos! Articlecode: KHE

Korun väri: Kirkas, Musta, Valkoinen


Paino: 4 g

Koko: 10,0 mm, 12,0 mm, 14,0 mm, 16,0 mm, 19,0 mm, 22,0 mm, 25,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat