Dangling Drop Tunnel
alkaen 12.60 € sis. ALV
You love earrings, but wearing them through your tunnels is too heavy or annoying? We have the brand new solution for you!
With these great dangling tunnels, you have combined the best of both jewellery pieces. A special earcatcher is the super cute drop shape of the tunnel, which perfectly highlights your lobe.
These tunnels are sold in pairs.
Mallisto: Steel Basicline, Steel Blackline, Steel Roseline, Steel Zirconline
Materiaali: Kirurginteräs 316L
Metallin väri: Hopeinen metalli, Kultainen metalli, Musta metalli, Ruusukultainen metalli
Kehonosa: Korva
Paino: -
Koko: 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm, 12,0 mm, 14,0 mm, 16,0 mm, 19,0 mm, 22,0 mm, 25,0 mm
Hersteller: Wildcat
Koruosien määrä: 2
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