Circular Barbell Anodised Light Green

Tuotetunnus (SKU): XCBLG

alkaen 6.71  sis. ALV

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@paha.lapsi, @lasitupa ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

The high-quality circular barbells of the Titan Highline® have the shape of a horseshoe. All threads in our jewellery collections are standardised so that you can combine the rings, balls, bars and attachments with each other! They are suitable for many piercings and absolutely timeless. A real piercing classic!

The Circular Barbells are externally threaded in the thicknesses 1.6 to 2.4 mm, so the balls are screwed onto the external thread of the bar. All barbells from 3.0 mm are internally threaded, i.e. the balls are screwed into the internal thread of the bar.

The ball sizes depend on the thickness and inner diameter of the ring and are supplied in the following sizes:

Ball sizes: 

Thickness 1.2 mm: 

Diameter 10.0 & 12.0 mm = 3.0 mm or 4.0 mm balls possible 

Thickness 1.6 mm:

Diameter 13.0 -15.0 mm = 5.0 mm balls

Note: The balls are included in the delivery. If you need spare balls, you will find them in the Titan Highline® under the article designation TTB (up to 2.4 mm thickness) and XEB (from 3.0 mm thickness)! However, please note the thread type and ball and thread size!

All Basics Titan Highline® can be sterilised in an autoclave and are absolutely safe for allergy sufferers due to the skin-friendly nature of the material.

This article is also available in Titan Blackline® (KCB) and Titan Zirconline® (GCR).



Paksuus: 1,2 mm, 1,6 mm

Sisähalkaisija: 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm, 12,0 mm, 13,0 mm, 15,0 mm

Pallon koko: 3,0 mm, 4,0 mm, 5,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat

Titaani Grade 23: Lataa sertifikaatti