Mandala Tunnel

Tuotetunnus (SKU): MSMMANDALAS

alkaen 8.39  sis. ALV

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@mini.malisti, @lasitupa ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

The Mandala Tunnel gives your lobe a modern and above all aesthetic look. Due to the detailed laser-cut design, you carry your personal earcatcher with you!

Mandalas have a magical meaning in Buddhism and Hinduism. Mandala means sacred circle around which everything revolves, the circle of life, so to speak. Drawing them promotes the sense of symmetry and balance and is supposed to strengthen different areas of life. 

The tunnel is super combinable and is available in sizes from 8.0 – 26.0 mm. (in steps of 2)

This item is sold individually.

Paino: -

Koko: 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm, 12,0 mm, 14,0 mm, 16,0 mm, 18,0 mm, 20,0 mm, 22,0 mm, 24,0 mm, 26,0 mm


Hersteller: Wildcat