Shiny Chain

Tuotetunnus (SKU): SHR29

10.92  sis. ALV

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@paha.lapsi, @oona.koivulaa ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

Our Shiny Chain Septum Clicker is made from high quality rosegolden stainless steel and is ideal for your septum piercing. The piercing has a straight hinge bar, which makes it easy for you to insert and remove the piercing – all without help! It is topped by the super chic design on the outer edge of the piercing. Alternatively, the piercing can also be used for your daith piercing, for example. The straight steel bar has a length of approx. 7.0 mm. 

With an inner diameter of 8.0 mm the total diameter is 12.0 mm. With an inner diameter of 10.0 mm the total diameter is 14.0 mm.

Lävistyksen tyyppi: ,



Metallin väri:


Paino: 3 g

Paksuus: 1,2 mm, 1,6 mm

Sisähalkaisija: 6,0 mm, 8,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat