Continuous / Seamless

Tuotetunnus (SKU): RCZ14

3.35  sis. ALV

Valitse haluamasi Paksuus:
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Valitse haluamasi Sisähalkaisija:
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@sofiajosefiiina, @mini.malisti ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

Continuous piercing ring without a special closure system. 

This ring is nevertheless easy to apply by making a slight curvature of the ring. All you have to do is fold this piece of jewellery carefully, without hinges, threads or notches, to create an endless and incomparable circle effect.

This piece of jewellery is made of high-quality stainless steel and impresses with its beautiful rose gold colouring.



Metallin väri:

Paino: 2 g

Paksuus: 0,8 mm, 1,0 mm

Sisähalkaisija: 6,0 mm, 7,0 mm, 8,0 mm, 9,0 mm, 10,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat