Basic Navel Bananabell

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The Steel Blackline® Basic Navel Bananabell with 1.6 mm rod thickness is available in lengths of 8.0 and 10.0 mm including balls in 5.0 and 8.0 mm size. The slightly curved rod is externally threaded. The balls are simply screwed onto the external thread of the bananabell.

This article is also available in Titanium Highline® (XNB), Titanium Zirconline® (GNB) and in Steel Basicline® (NBB).

Lävistyksen tyyppi:



Metallin väri:

Paino: 1 g

Paksuus: 1,6 mm

Pituus: 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm


Hersteller: Wildcat