Sealed Multi Jewelled Clip In Ball
alkaen 6.71 € sis. ALV
The Sealed Multi Jewelled Clip-in-Ball is beset with countless premium processed rhinestones. It is available with diameters of 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mm.
A protecting coat of epoxy resin avoids the loss of stones! Choose out of 14 colours!
If there are any questions left, please do not hesitate to contact us, the employees of the Wildcat corporation will give you advice!
Mallisto: Steel Basicline
Materiaali: Kirurginteräs 316L
Kristallin väri: Ametisti, Apricot, Aurora Boreale, Diamond Black, Fuksianpunainen, Narsissin keltainen, Punainen, Safiirin sininen, Samppanja, Sateenkaari, Tansaniitti, Vaalea ametisti, Vaalea safiiri, Vaaleanpunainen, Vaaleansininen, Vaaleanvihreä, Valkoinen, Zirkonblau
Paino: 1 g
Pallon koko: 3,0 mm, 4,0 mm, 5,0 mm, 6,0 mm
Hersteller: Wildcat
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