Mandala Ring

Tuotetunnus (SKU): OSR10M
Säästä jopa 20%

alkaen 10.08  sis. ALV

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@miisbehh, @lasitupa ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

Mandalas have a magical meaning in Buddhism and Hinduism. Mandala means translated holy circle, around which everything revolves, the circle of life. Drawing them promotes the sense of symmetry and balance and is supposed to strengthen different areas of life. Often abstract forms from mythology, animal and plant life, organic or natural forms are used. 

This beautiful finger ring is part of our Mystery Collection and is made of high quality stainless steel. You can get it in the sizes 17.0 mm, 18.0 mm, 20.0 mm and 21.0 mm. The mandala motive has a diameter of approx 20.0 mm and the ring is approx 3.0 mm wide.

Sormuksen koko: 17,0 mm, 18,0 mm, 20,0 mm, 21,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat