Animal Skull Ring

Tuotetunnus (SKU): WIE01

12.60  sis. ALV

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@mini.malisti, @justustammenheimo ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

You like the combination of skulls and animals? Then you should take a closer look at our Animal Skull ring. The animal skull is designed bigly and has ears that slightly stick out. At the upper surface of the skull a long, dark line is evident, which depicts a skull fracture. In the nose and eyes area, little cavities are incorporated which possess a black layer. The residual surface is shiny and therefore, an amazing contrast is established which rounds off the gloomy skull look. The Animal Skull ring is part of our Steel Basicline collection and is made of high-quality silver steel. The ring breadth is 3.1 cm.



Metallin väri:

Paino: -

Sormuksen koko: 54, 56, 58, 66

Hersteller: Wildcat