Pyolysin Panthenol Tattoo Creme

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Pyolysin® Panthenol is a moisturising emulsion for daily skin care. Due to its panthenol content, Pyolysin® Panthenol is particularly suitable for the care of dry and irritated skin. The supple cream with a pleasant fragrance is particularly easy to apply and is quickly absorbed. Pyolysin® Panthenol can be used on the entire body and face.

Pyolysin® Panthenol has been evaluated by the independent dermatological institute Dermatest. The tolerance of the cream was proven dermatologically on test persons in the so-called epicutaneous or patch test. No allergic reactions occurred. Pyolysin® Panthenol was therefore awarded the seal “very good”. 

The clinical test is an application study on tattooed skin. Pyolysin® Panthenol was rated “very good”. 

  • mostly fresh tattoos, i.e. 3-4 days after tattooing, were treated.
  • skin moisture of the tattooed area could be significantly increased
  • water loss was reduced by the application 
  • regeneration of the barrier function of the damaged skin (after tattooing) was proven


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Sisältö: 6 g, 30 g