Circular Barbell Anodised Dark Green

Tuotetunnus (SKU): XCBDG

alkaen 6.71  sis. ALV

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@jasminejanely, @lasitupa ja 517 111 muuta tyytyväistä asiakasta luottaa Wildcat.

Titan Highline® Circular Barbell Dark Green anodised

The high-quality Circular Barbells from the Titan Highline® collection have the shape of a horseshoe, meaning there is a gap between the balls, and the barbell is held in place by the balls in the piercing channel. By the way, all the threads in our jewelry collections are standardized, so you can mix and match rings, balls, bars, and attachments!

All basics of the Titan Highline® can be sterilized in an autoclave and, due to the material’s skin compatibility, are completely safe for people with allergies. This item is also available in the Titan Blackline® (KCB) and Titan Zirconline® (GCB) versions. However, the availability of individual sizes may vary! If the piercing jewelry you choose is not available in a specific bar length or thickness in the Titan Blackline® or Titan Zirconline®, we can add the respective PVD coating for you afterward



Paino: 1 g

Paksuus: 1,2 mm, 1,6 mm

Sisähalkaisija: 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm, 12,0 mm, 13,0 mm

Pallon koko: 3,0 mm, 4,0 mm, 5,0 mm

Hersteller: Wildcat

Titaani Grade 23: Lataa sertifikaatti